Computer Seekhain Learning Book PDF
  • Book Name: Computer Seekhain
  • Author:by Mian Naveed Nasir
  • Book Pages: 113
  • Language: Urdu
  • Category: Computer Science Books
  • Format: PDF
  • Pdf File Size: 4.17MB

What is computer & its uses?

Introduction to Computer: The computer has become a necessity in every field in terms of utility. Public and semi-government sectors, communications, agriculture, provision of scientific information, criminal investigation, preparation of election results, short-term census data formation, war strategy, use of computers in industries and libraries are common. has been done. This has significantly increased the performance of all walks of life. With the help of computers, man can do more and better work in less time. Long and complex questions can be solved in a few minutes which were previously impossible. I also translate easily.... The US State Department computer translates the Russian newspaper "Pravda" in an hour, while ten translators cannot do that in a single day computer are being used to determine the age of ancient documents and artifacts and to identify their originals or counterfeits. Is starting to suggest. Given the way the computer is making its place in every sphere of life, it can be said that in the next ten years, if a person has not studied computer, he will be considered illiterate whether he is a doctor or an engineer or Be it a clerk, a computer is a machine that is making its place in every sphere of life, so there is a need for educated people to pay attention to it and understand the computer and see how it can do its job. It should be noted that the computer is not a wind, it does not require much intelligence to use it, even a normal person with a mediocre mental level can easily use it and take advantage of it, it is true that the computer Most of the packages, programs are available in English language but thanks to a Pakistani new invention now any English software is working with the help of Urdu alphabet. The benefits of computer Benefits of Computers are used for a variety of purposes, including science and engineering and control systems. The Importance of Computers in the Scientific Field: Modern science and engineering have been using mathematics as a language to express physical phenomena. Electronic digital computer is a very important tool. Through which these laws are studied. Steps are often taken to solve problems because it takes time for a human being to solve such problems. Different amounts need to be solved. For which the human brain has to solve the same problem over and over again, which requires a lot of time. On the contrary, the computer solves such problems in a few moments. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. Computer In Urdu Pdf Books Pdf Free Download Or Read Online Download the computer book Urdu in PDF by Mian Naveed Nasir or read online. The book Learn Computer Science (Learn Computer) is a delightful PDF book on PC learning, written by Mian Naveed Nasir. PCs need time, now PCs are an integral part of every home, office and individual. It helps people understand their problems. Virtually all associations, workplaces, schools and colleges convert their entire setup into a PC. PC is becoming more and more important for everyone, as well as identifying groups of people who have a place in different areas of life. PC Seekhain is an extraordinary effort by the creator to straighten it out and apply it to ordinary people who do not know English. While there are a lot of helpful instructions on the web for learning information about PCs in the form of books and recordings, they are all in English and plain Urdu which cannot be used by those who understand them. In Computer Science, the creator offers a wonderful presentation of the PC, its history, benefits, and uses, which is extremely useful for beginners. Download a free PDF copy of this e-book from the post below.

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