Aab-e-Hayat PDF free Download
  • Biography Books: Aab-e-Hayat
  • Writer by : Umera Ahmed
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  • File Size: 11.97 MB
  • Pages: 728

Aab-e-Hayat by Umera Ahmed Novel Pdf Free Download

Aab e Hayat complete event written by Umera Ahmed, Urdu novels read online or download in PDF line format. Aab-e-Hayat is a different piece of Peer-e-Kamil. This is a famed Urdu novel and another perfect work of art of Umera Ahmed.

Umaira Ahmed most famed womanish Urdu novels and stories litterateur from Pakistan she writes multifold famed novels in Urdu endemic language. This is famed Urdu novels part 2 of Peer e kamal the story about Interest (Sood or Riba) litterateur de characterized Sood because of Sood Haram in Islam.

The story picks right where it was left in its prequel Peer-e-Kamil. It was published by Khawateen Digest in November 2014. Please Note Before we talk about the story of the Aab-e-Hayat novel, we'd like to suggest you first read Peer e Kamil If you haven’t read it. Because thereafter in this post, there are some spoilers about Peer e Kamil. So, the plot will be corrupted – and that will make you lose the pleasure of reading it.

Aab e Hayat by Umera Ahmed Urdu Novel Review

In Pir e Kamil you get to see two main characters, one of whom was Imama Hashi and the other was Salar Sikandar. It narrates how the Imama comes to Islam and Salarre-discovers his religion, and in the process, they fall in love and got married. Now, the story of Aab-e-Hayat begins right where it ends in Peer e Kamil.

Imama and Salar are together and they need to decide what kind of life they're going to lead. This part of the original tells how their family grows, their children are mentioned, their immolations, love ، heating arguments, and differences. In a nutshell, this original narrates their life after marriage.

Unlike the foregoing novel, Salar’s character in this novel is really different. He quietly tolerates the sensitive nature of the Imama.

Through her notes, Umairah Ahmed always draws miscellanies’ attention to some social wrongs and their eradication. This is also the case in this novel, the social issue she has raised presently's earning of interest (سود). This doesn't mean that she seems like sermonizing the religion, but that – she conveys her dispatch through a really riveting story.

However, you need to read this novel, it may change your point of view If you're reticent to read or talk about this theme.

Aab-e-Hayat was a controversial upshot because it wasn't easy to match the standard of the Peer e Kamil novel. Some miscellanies liked the novel really much, while others did not. So read this book for yourself and decide whether this is the warranted upshot to Peer e Kamil or not.

All near all, It's a witching story with a strong dispatch. It teaches you about life after marriage and with youths, and to dive obstacles and whelming your fears. However, either you should read this novel If you're curious to find what went down after Salar and Imama got married. It’s all about their life post marriage.

Download Aab e Hayat Novel In PDF

You can read this news online, or download Aab e Hayat novel by Umera Ahmed in pdf for offline reading. Please follow the below links to read online or download this book.

Please Note The links below are only for viewing, educational, and examen purposes. We encourage you to please buy the book to support the publisher and the litterateur.

Abe e Hayat Novel Chapters List

  • Adam wa Hawa
  • Bait ul Hankaboot
  • Hasil Mehsool
  • Ya Mujeeb ul Sahileen
  • Abdan Abada
  • Tabarak al Lazi
Aab-e-Hayat by Umera Ahmed Novel Pdf Complete Free Download in Urdu or Read Online

Umera Ahmed Famous Novels list in Urdu PDF Free Download

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